
Transplantation of limited human cadaveric islets into type 1 diabetic patients results in ∼35months of insulin independence. Direct differentiation of stem cell-derived insulin-producing beta-like cells (sBCs) that can reverse diabetes in animal models effectively removes this shortage constraint, but uncontrolled graft growth remains a concern. Current protocols do not generate pure sBCs, but consist of only 20%-50% insulin-expressing cells with additional cell types present, some of which are proliferative. Here, we show the selective ablation of proliferative cells marked by SOX9 by simple pharmacological treatment invitro. This treatment concomitantly enriches for sBCs by ∼1.7-fold. Treated sBC clusters show improved function invitro and invivo transplantation controls graft size. Overall, our study provides a convenient and effective approach to enrich for sBCs while minimizing the presence of unwanted proliferative cells and thus has important implications for current cell therapy approaches.

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