
Cytogenetic data showed the enrichment of repetitive DNAs in chromosomal rearrangement points between closely related species in armored catfishes. Still, few studies integrated cytogenetic and genomic data aiming to identify their prone-to-break DNA sites. Here, we aimed to obtain the repetitive fraction in Rineloricaria latirostris to recognize the microsatellite and homopolymers flanking the regions previously described as chromosomal fusion points. The results indicated that repetitive DNAs in R. latirostris are predominantly DNA transposons, and considering the microsatellite and homopolymers, A/T-rich expansions were the most abundant. The in situ localization demonstrated the A/T-rich repetitive sequences were scattered on the chromosomes, while A/G-rich microsatellite units were accumulated in some regions. The DNA transposon hAT, the 5S rDNA, and 45S rDNA (previously identified in Robertsonian fusion points in R. latirostris) were clusterized with some microsatellites, especially (CA)n, (GA)n, and poly-A, which were also enriched in regions of chromosomal fusions. Our findings demonstrated that repetitive sequences such as rDNAs, hAT transposons, and microsatellite units flank probable evolutionary breakpoint regions in R. latirostris. However, due to the sequence unit homologies in different chromosomal sites, these repeat DNAs only may facilitate chromosome fusion events in R. latirostris rather than working as a double-strand breakpoint site.

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