
The sexuality of retirement home residents is a complex, taboo subject. Professionals who are confronted with this sexuality have varied reactions and have to cope with their own representations.For this survey, we chose a quantitative approach to obtain the most complete overview possible of the situation in France. We approached the 7438 nursing homes in the French territory and received 697 responses (9.4%). This return rate ensures statistical representativeness.The results highlight the marked prevalence of manifestations of sexuality among residents, pinpoint the actions undertaken in certain cases and the good acceptance of the residents' sexuality by the staff. The lack of specific training on this subject is a major limitation to the implementation of prevention and educational schemes.Our results indicate a dynamic contrasting with previous studies on the acceptance of this sexuality by care home staff and the implementation of actions. The taboo appears less marked than it used to be. The results confirm the reality of care home residents' sexuality.Our study thus provides an overview of sexuality in retirement homes in France and of the representations of professionals on this subject. It highlights the actions undertaken and the factors limiting these actions.

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