
In this article perspectives regarding the development and transformation of pastoral care from being only the responsibility of individual ordained professionals towards a model of care for and by the community and its members, are described. In this development the emphasis is placed on pastoral care as a public theological endeavour with a strong strategic component resonating with the character of practical theology. A specific case study derived from the postgraduate program in pastoral therapy in the Department of Practical Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, is portrayed. A lecturer and two former students reflect on certain developments in the program using a model of narrative research and reflection. In this description developing and possible alternative perspectives are sketched for possible future developments in the teaching and providing of pastoral therapy


  • In this article perspectives regarding the development and transformation of pastoral care from being only the responsibility of individual ordained professionals towards a model of care for and by the community and its members, are described

  • McClure (2012:275) beklemtoon daarom dat dié groter beweging in die pastoraat aan die hand van drie aksente op gemeenskaplike, publieke- en strategiese vlak vergestalt word: Three distinct developments represent the most significant changes as pastoral care moves into the twenty-first century: (i) the move away from the model of care for an individual by ordained professionals toward the model of care for the community and its members by the community and its members; the (ii) development of pastoral care as public theology; and (iii) strategic participation rather than personal insight as the final goal

  • In Europa is byvoorbeeld ondervind dat: Seminaries are closing and to keep them functioning lay people are attending to obtain degrees in theology. This indicates that theology is no longer the exclusive province of the priesthood, and lays the foundations for a future when the laity will be as well informed and equipped to contribute to theology as the priest (Dominian 2004:8)

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Reeds vir ’n geruime tyd op plaaslike vlak (Louw 1999:26-27), maar onlangs ook weer op internasionale vlak (McClure 2012:275), wys pastorale. Die dosent wie se verhaal gedokumenteer word, het wel voor- en nagraadse teologiese opleiding ondergaan en het aanvanklik as gelegitimeerde in die voltydse bediening binne gemeente-verband gestaan alvorens hy onder meer die verantwoordelikheid ontvang het vir die bestuur en ontwikkeling van die pastorale terapie program soos aangedui. Ter inleiding van die ontwikkelende verhaal reflekteer die twee afgestudeerde pastorale terapeute, tans in diens van die Ring van die NG Kerk in Kroonstad, hoe die onderlinge versorging van gelowiges (Louw 1999:26) en kenmerkend van dié groter beweging in die pastoraat, in hulle bestaande professionele praktyk sigbaar geword het: Gespreksgenoot 1: Ten opsigte van ’n meer publieke pastorale diens stem dit ooreen met die diens wat die Ring van Kroonstad aanbied vir die gemeenskap, maar die terapeut het nog steeds ’n persoonlike verhouding en kontak met gemeenskapslede. Die beweging na ’n publieke pastoraat wat wyer strek as denominasionele verband, word in die aard en karakter van die professionele omgewing (in die geval die Ring van Kroonstad) uitgedruk as ’n diens wat ontvanklik is vir alle lede van die gemeenskap

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