
A Capstone C30 MicroTurbine has been installed, instrumented, and utilized in a junior-level laboratory course at Valparaiso University. The C30 MicroTurbine experiment enables Valparaiso University to educate students interested in power generation and turbine technology. The first goal of this experiment is for students to explore a gas turbine generator and witness the discrepancies between idealized models and real thermodynamic systems. Secondly, students measure and analyze data to determine where losses occur in a real gas turbine. The third educational goal is for students to recognize the true costs associated with natural gas use, i.e. the hidden costs of transporting the gas to the consumer. Overall, the gas turbine experiment has garnered positive feedback from students. The twenty-six students who performed the lab in Spring 2014 rated the quality and usefulness of the gas turbine experiment as 4.28 and 4.19, respectively, on a 1–5 Likert scale, where 1 is low and 5 is high.

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