
Intelligent transportation system (ITS) is a term used for a wide range of technologies incorporated into traditional transportation infrastructure and vehicles, these include communication and information technologies such as traffic cameras, ramp meters, variable message signs (VMS), traffic control centers (TCC), accident avoidance technologies, incident management and more, that promises to maximize transportation safety and efficiency. Due to the complex architecture of ITS and its subsystems, the security and safety of ITS to operate efficiently is becoming an emerging issue. Slight error or deliberate changes to the one of the components of ITS may disrupt the whole system and may create dangerous roadway conditions. For these reasons, the conventional password protection techniques used in ITS control systems must be converted into more secure biometric systems. In this paper we present multimodal Iris/Fingerprint biometric system and its application in ITS. The performance evaluation model is presented to check the efficiency of the system.

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