
In recent research, there has been a significant focus on establishing robust quantum cryptography using the continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) protocol based on Gaussian modulation of coherent states (GMCS). Unlike more stable fiber channels, one challenge faced in free-space quantum channels is the complex transmittance characterized by varying atmospheric turbulence. This complexity poses difficulties in achieving high transmission rates and long-distance communication. In this article, we thoroughly evaluate the performance of the CV-QKD/GMCS system under the effect of individual attacks, considering homodyne detection with both direct and reverse reconciliation techniques. To address the issue of limited detector efficiency, we incorporate the phase-sensitive amplifier (PSA) as a compensating measure. The results show that the CV-QKD/GMCS system with PSA achieves a longer secure distance and a higher key rate compared to the system without PSA, considering both direct and reverse reconciliation algorithms. With an amplifier gain of 10, the reverse reconciliation algorithm achieves a secure distance of 5 km with a secret key rate of 10-1 bits/pulse. On the other hand, direct reconciliation reaches a secure distance of 2.82 km.

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