The current study, while examining the fields of psychological empowerment, social support, work engagement and innovative work behaviours, found that psychological empowerment and social support affected work engagement and led to innovative work behaviours. The sample respondents were 340 business analysts from the Indian IT sector with special reference to TIDEL Park, Coimbatore. The findings of the study provide strong empirical relationship among constructs of psychological empowerment, social support work engagement and innovative work behaviour. In that context, psychological empowerment and social support was found to have strong predictive power on work engagement and innovative work behaviour. Additionally, work engagement has emerged as a partial mediator between psychological empowerment, social support and innovative work behaviour. In sum, our results suggest that innovative work behaviour and work engagement have wide implications for organisational effectiveness and deserves further attention. According to the researcher's knowledge, this is the first study that examines the role of psychological empowerment, social support and innovative work behaviour with work engagement as a mediator in the Indian IT sector with business analysts as the sample.
Published Version
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