With more that 1,200 different ethnicities, Indonesia remains the most diverse country the world could offer. With such a large scope of cultural diversity, eating habits and norms can vary in each province or even city. There are a few of Indonesian cuisines that have already penetrated the international market. From the world class nasi padang from the Minangkabau tribe to papeda from the far east island of Papua, Indonesia offers millions of variations in processing food and daily necessities. However, many other foods and delicacies are still under the radar and lack of acknowledgement from the outside world. The calibre of what Indonesia can contribute to the world of cuisines is beyond belief. This thesis will discuss the importance of respecting and learning other cultures, furthermore, how food can contribute to the unity and tourism sector of this country. The calibre of what Indonesia can contribute to the world of cuisines is beyond belief. Keywords: Culinary, Cultural Identity, Social Diversity, Tourism
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