
Currently, there are many real trading applications but there are not many simple stock market simulation applications where users can practice trading in the Indian stock market. We all know about the Stock Market and its losses. we also have heard stories about scams and huge losses in stocks from relatives, friends, and family, But not trying is not the solution to the problem, then what can we do about it? We can learn how it works, practice and then try it in the real market. Then our solution to this problem is to create an application where users can trade stocks with the demo (Virtual) money with real-time experience so that they can learn and afford to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes and make some good fortune in the real stock market and this initiative is focused on Indian audience for there are 58% of US citizens take part in trading activities while in India it is only 2% so by this initiative we think it can India to make more in the Sector of finance.

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