
In India, productive employment is central to poverty reduction strategy and to bring about economic equality in the society. But the results of unfettered operation of market forces are not always equitable, especially in India, where some groups are likely to be subjected to disadvantage as a result of globalization. Women constitute one such vulnerable group. In this context, there is a need to give importance in addressing the issue of inclusive growth of India from the banking perspectives. The concept inclusion should be seen as a process of including the excluded as agents whose participation is essential in the very design of the development process and not simply as welfare targets of development programmes. Growth is inclusive when it creates economic opportunities along with ensuring equal access to the women. Apart from addressing the issue of inequality, the inclusive growth may also make the poverty reduction efforts more effective by explicitly creating productive economic opportunities for the poor and vulnerable sections of the society. Self-Help Group Bank Linkage Strategy is taken as a key strategy for addressing both poverty alleviation and women's empowerment. The government of Andhra Pradesh has become a role model initiating this programme more effectively when compared to other regions. The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of SHG bank linkage strategy on occupation, employment and income patterns of rural poor women in Andhra Pradesh. A multi stage random sample method is used for the purpose of the study. Totally two hundred sample women SHG respondents were interviewed for the purpose of the study with a well structured questionnaire through schedule method. The study finally reveals that there is a positive impact of SHGs on creation of economic activity, employment and income generation of the rural poor women SHG members in Andhra Pradesh.

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