
Poverty is largely a rural phenomenon. Eradication of poverty is the utmost challenge facing India and of women in particular. Self-Help Group Programme (SHGP) is currently being promoted as a key strategy for simultaneously dealing with both poverty alleviation and women's empowerment. The present study made an attempt to assess the impact of SHG programme on eradication of rural women's poverty. Stratified multi stage random sampling technique is used in the primary data collection. To assess the impact of SHG programme on eradication of rural poverty, the “Poverty Eradication Index (PEI)” is considered with emphasis on two causal factors namely--employment generation and income generation and three impact factors namely--consumption pattern, skill and knowledge level and health care. On the basis of Index number method the total poverty eradication index is calculated for the selected districts of Andhra Pradesh and the Andhra Pradesh as a whole. The study reveals that eventhough the SHG programme has provided a good environment for the upliftment of the rural poor women in the study area; still poverty persists among the rural poor women.

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