
The start-up of the dry anaerobic batch digestion by the BIOCEL-concept of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) is unbalanced when a methanogenic inoculum (digested sewage sludge) is added to a total solids concentration of 35%. The unbalanced conditions are the result of the rapid degradation of easily-degradable compounds which are present in the organic fraction. Enhancement of the first start-up of the dry batch digestion was tried by applying an aerobic partial-composting step. By this aerobic treatment the easily degradable compounds are removed. After the composting step the anaerobic digestion will be limited by the conversion of the ligno-cellulose part of the organic fraction. It appeared that at least 19·5% of the volatile solids (VS) should be converted during the aerobic composting period before acid formation in the digestion was in balance with the methane formation. This amount of aerobically degraded VS means a 40% loss of potential biogas. The loss of a part of the biogas is a major drawback to the partial composting as a method for enhancing the start-up of the dry anaerobic digestion. A shorter composting period which is combined with another start-up method might be a feasible method to decrease the energy input of the dry digestion process.

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