
Mg-Sn alloy thin films have garnered significant attention for their outstanding thermoelectric (TE) properties and cost-effective elemental composition, making them potential candidates for wearable energy harvesting devices. While previous studies have explored the properties of these thin films, limited research has been conducted to identify physical factors that can further enhance their performance. In this study, we present a novel approach utilizing a convenient electron beam coevaporation technique to fabricate Mg-Sn alloy thin films. Experimental results revealed that controlling the tin content in the Mg-Sn thin films at 38.9% led to the formation of a mixed-phase structure, comprising Mg2Sn and Mg9Sn5. This dual-phase structure exhibited a notable advantage in enhancing the TE performance. The presence of the Mg9Sn5 phase significantly increased the carrier concentration, while maintaining the original Seebeck coefficient and mobility, thereby improving the conductivity of Mg2Sn. Theoretical calculations indicated that the Mg9Sn5 phase displayed 1D-like characteristics, leading to a highly effective valley degeneracy and consequently a high power factor. Overall, this work introduces a promising approach to fabricate high-performance Mg-Sn alloy thin films through electron beam coevaporation, opening up possibilities for their application in wearable energy harvesting devices.

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