
A novel traveling-wave electroabsorption modulator (TWEAM) based on undercut-etching-active-region waveguide (UEAW) is proposed and demonstrated. By selectively wet-etching the InGaAsP from InP to reduce InGaAsP active region, the waveguide can reduce parasitic capacitance with high conductivity in n-InP and p-InP cladding layers. In comparison with conventional ridge-waveguide (RW) TWEAM, 3 dB lower optical-insertion-loss, at least 6 dB higher in radio-frequency-link gain (dc to 40 GHz), and faster electrooptical response (3-dB bandwidth of 25 GHz at 50 /spl Omega/-termination for UEAW and 15 GHz for RW) are obtained in UEAW-TWEAM. A 10-Gbs/s operation with low swing voltage of 0.6 V has been achieved in UEAW-TWEAM, a 3.2-dB enhancement over RW-TWEAM. It indicates the tradeoff in designing electroabsorption modulators can be greatly released.

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