
The present study is based on a theoretically feasible scheme for the enhancement of entanglement between different bipartitions due to magnon squeezing in a two-cavity magnomechanical system, having two microwave cavity mode photons, a magnon mode, and phonon mode. The nonlinearity in the system is well enhanced owing to magnon squeezing, which is responsible for the enhancement of different bipartitions’ entanglement. By employing the standard Langevin approach, we found that the magnon squeezing parameter not only enhances the entanglement between directly coupled modes, but also has a considerable impact on indirectly coupled modes’ entanglement. In addition, we find the negative impact of the thermal bath for the mechanical mode on the generation of photon–phonon and magnon–phonon entanglements. Furthermore, magnon squeezing has shown a significant role in the entanglement robustness against thermal effects. Moreover, the tripartite entanglement among photon, magnon, and phonon is also considerably enhanced in the presence of magnon squeezing. This two-cavity magnomechanical system might be used in quantum tasks that require the enhancement of entanglement of indirectly coupled modes.

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