
AbstractThe cavity magnomechanical system has become a promising platform for preparing macroscopic quantum states. In this work, a scheme for generating the steady‐state quadrature squeezing of the magnon and phonon modes in a cavity magnomechanical system is presented. This scheme uses a degenerate microwave parametric amplifier (PA) inside the microwave cavity. It is found that the squeezing of the cavity mode produced by the PA can be transferred to the magnon mode due to the cavity‐magnon beamsplitter‐like interaction, and the squeezing of the magnon mode can be further transferred to the phonon mode due to the magnon‐phonon beamsplitter‐like interaction induced by driving the magnon mode with a red‐detuned microwave field. The effects of the parametric gain and phase of the PA, the magnon‐cavity coupling strength, the power of the magnon drive, and the temperature of the environment on the squeezing of the magnon and phonon modes have been evaluated. The results show that the squeezing of the magnon and phonon modes is robust against the temperature of the environment.

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