
Sparassis crispa is edible mushroom recently cultivable in Japan. It contains significantly high content (∼40%) of 6‐branched 1,3‐β‐D‐glucan showing antitumor activity in mice. We recently purified a β‐glucan preparation designated as “SCG.” It was considered worth while to test SCG in vitro with whole blood collected from human volunteers. The present study is focusing on the cytokine productivity of SCG in an in vitro human system. The following results were observed: (i) SCG dose dependently enhanced IL‐8 synthesis of whole blood cell culture of human peripheral blood. (ii) IL‐8 synthesis was enhanced in both PBMC and PMN cultures. (iii) IL‐8 synthesis was induced in the culture with autologous plasma, but significantly reduced after 56°C treatment. (iv) The activity was also weak in heat inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS). (v) A complement fragment, C5a, was released by SCG dependently upon dose and kinetics. (vi) Anti‐SCG natural antibody was detected in human plasma. From these facts, SCG was observed to have the capacity to activate human leukocytes and related immune system.

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