
The paper strives to answer the question what is optimism expression among students of middle school age in physical education classes. The following hypothesis was tested: optimism expression of boys would be higher than those of girls. The aim of this study was to examine the optimism expression among students of middle school age during physical education lessons. The participants of the study were 236 students of middle school age (14-15 years old). The measure of optimism expression was evaluated using Dember's Optimism/Pessimism Scale (Cronbach's alpha was 0.79 for optimism scale). Respondents were given 56 items, which had to be evaluated on a 4-point Likert scale. The hypothesis, that optimism expression of boys would be higher than those of girls was confirmed. During the lessons of physical education the optimism expression among males students of middle school age were higher than among female. Evaluating the optimism expression among students of middle school age it was found that middle school- aged students (boys, girls) who attend physical education lessons are more optimistic.

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