
Natural resources provide any material from the natural environment that can be used by people for support and sustenance of life on earth with its ecological value and manifold resources. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of rural women in natural resources management and utilization in Ethiopia by taking Delanta as the case. The research design was descriptive survey using stratified random sampling technique along the agro-ecology. Both quantitative and qualitative data collected. The target population was 300 sample households from the total of 2992 households in six Kebeles. The data were analyzed using both descriptive (percentage, mean score, cumulative frequency) and inferential (Chi-Square tests) statistical techniques. The results have shown that women are good natural resources managers and the primary gatherers of fuel-wood (76%), fetching water (71%), agriculture participation (83%) and fodder to meet immediate household needs. However, women are culturally denied the right to register and control land resources. Women have also limited access of technology, skill training, education, extension services and information. The depletion of natural resources directly impact on women with increasing workload and drudgery, and the overall livelihood of people who depend on natural resources. Henceforth, women’s role in natural resources exploitation and management cannot be undermined. To reinforce and build up women’s participation in resources management and sustainable uses, all concerned bodies should take appropriate measures to empower women in decision making, skill training, education, extension services and information. Key words: Agriculture, environment, natural resources, resources management, resources utilization.

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