
The handling of wastes remain a perpetual problem, all construction and demolition works and activities are confronted to this issue. Many investors, clients, construction and demolition professionals consider C&D waste management one of the most essential green construction practices in support to energy efficiency. In fact, there is a growing interest in sustainable waste management as potential stakeholders are pursuing innovative and integrated waste management and environmental strategies. Sadly, most traditional approach to reducing C&D waste is considered to be unsustainable as it lacks flexibility and long-term reliability. Thus, the move to a more sustainable society requires sophisticated approach to manage C&D waste, which incorporate feedback loops and focus more on processes, embodies adaptability and diverts waste from landfill disposal. This paper review current C&D waste management practices and propose a conceptual framework for optimising C&D waste management. The study adopts a Life-cycle (LCA) model based on C&D waste sustainability measure (LCASM) to justify the need for a green approach to C&D waste management. The central focus of the LCA model is to minimise C&D waste disposal and to enhance the application of 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) concept. The study sought to determine whether this sustainable approach to C&D waste management is an opportunity or a new challenge. Recommendations are provided on how to enrich C&D waste management optimisation processes.

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