
Lymphatic filariasis, commonly termed as elephantiasis has been recorded since ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Persian writings.1 It is caused by a slender thread like nematode called Wuchereria bancrofti belonging to super family filaroidea.2 It exists in two morphological forms: Adult form and larvae. The adult form has a predilection for intrascrotal lymphatic vessels in hosts; thus hydrocele is one of the most common manifestations of bancroftian filariasis.3 Individuals having circulating microfilaria are outwardly healthy but have the ability to transmit infection to others through mosquito bites (Culex quinquefasciatus) 1 In developing countries like India, occurrence of genital filarial hydrocele is more common in people living in bancroftian endemic areas or in people who were previously operated for eversion of sac. We hereby report a case of hydrocele fluid with microfilaria- an incidental finding on microscopy. Wuchereria bancroti a filarial nematode inhabiting the lymphatics and transmitted through vector - culex mosquito. We hereby present a case of recurrence of genital filariasis. The patient presented with swelling of the left scrotal region with pain of dragging type. On evaluation, eosinophilia was not seen. He had a history of right hydrocele 28 years back. The aspirated hydrocele on direct microscopic examination showed presence of actively motile microfilaria which was confirmed on Giemsa staining. Recurrence is more common in bancroftian filarial endemic areas.

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