
motional intelligence (EI) is the mixture of intellect and emotions. A highly emotional intelligent person showcases the ability to control, understand and being in other’s shoes during the time of difficulties. The EI concept is extremely relevant in health care settings. The concept takes in the art of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. These concepts in one way or the other help in rearing, mentoring, and reaching the heights of professionalism among medical students. The health care workers particularly doctors needed to be emotionally intelligent and should have maximum of it for effective outcomes and patient satisfaction. The current situation mandates the medical curriculum to have more of emotionally intelligent medical professionals than those with high intelligence quotient. The recent rise of dispute in health care field may be due to the reduction in emotional intelligence which triggers unhealthy recognition of emotions towards patients and bystanders. The need for the current digital and restricted mindset generation is to impart more of values and thus control and regulate one’s own emotions. The study showcases various components, effects, and importance of emotional intelligence and also reviews few studies done on the topic with a special note on its importance in the current situation of Covid pandemic.

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