
BACKGROUND Indoor air pollution is responsible for more than 1.5 million deaths and 2.7 % of the global burden of disease as per WHO report. Globally, more than three billion people depend on solid fuels including biomass and coal. Nearly 4 million people die prematurely from illnesses attributed to household air pollution from inefficient cooking practices using polluting stoves paired with solid fuels and kerosene. As a customary involvement in cooking; women are obliged to breathe the air polluted with biomass fuels and tend to experience the largest exposures and health burdens. Hence this study was done to assess the determinants of indoor air pollution (IAP) and its health impact among women residing in rural areas of Bengaluru. METHODS A community based cross sectional study was conducted among household women residing in rural population of Bengaluru over a period of 4 months. Based on prevalence rate of sources for indoor air pollution being 49 % from the earlier studies the estimated sample was 500. Household women were interviewed by simple random sampling technique. RESULTS The mean age of the participants was 46.9 + 15yrs. where 42.4 % belonged to 40 - 59 yrs. of age group. In majority of households, 84.4 % used LPG as a cooking fuel. Type of fuel, second-hand smoking, smoke from the neighbourhood and use of mosquito repellents were found to be sources while poor housekeeping, inadequate ventilation, and lack of smoke outlet in kitchen were contributing factors for IAP. Irritation in eyes, cough, difficulty in breathing, running nose and chronic respiratory diseases were the perceived symptoms due to IAP. CONCLUSIONS Majority of households in the current study were exposed to IAP due to passive smoking, smoke from the neighbourhood and use of mosquito repellents while improper ventilation, absence of smoke outlet and humid conditions accentuated it. Community awareness program and cost effective interventions is the need of the hour. KEY WORDS Indoor Air Pollution, Rural Population, Women's Health

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