
To prepare efficient, economical and effective solid waste management plan requires present status and its future perspectives. This paper presents an overview of current solid waste management (SWM) practices in Bhor town, sub urban area of Maharashtra, India and suggests solutions to some of the major problems. Approximately 5.96 ton/d of solid waste are generated in the Bhor Municipal Council area. Deficiencies were found in all elements of SWM. The budget allocation for 2014–2015 was Rs. 20 lakhs, which amounts to Rs. 105/cap-y on SWM. This expenditure is insufficient to provide adequate SWM services. Major deficiencies were found in all elements of SWM. The collection process is deficient in terms of manpower and vehicle availability. No collection bin are provided, people throws their waste in open spaces, thus contributing to the inefficiency of the collection system. Presently no treatment is provided to the waste and waste is dumped on open land after collection. Lack of suitable facilities (equipment and infrastructure) and underestimates of waste generation rates, inadequate management and technical skills, improper collection, and route planning are responsible for poor collection and transportation of municipal solid wastes. Waste generation rate in municipal council area is approximately 0.314 kg/capita/day. Approximately 70% of the MSW generated is compostable wastes and mean moisture content and organic matter content is large in amount. The recommended system deals with maximizing recycling and minimizing land filling of the MSW. Thus, vermincomposting or energy recovery becomes as a suitable alternative as final treatment process to the organic fraction.

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