
Research was carried out to improve acid rock drainage (ARD) prediction methodologies, focussing on resolving uncertainties in acid base accounting (ABA) methods. Advancements, their application, and interpretation are reported. Consideration of both net acid production potential (NAPP) and net acid generation (NAG) test results provide a more reliable routine screening technique than either test alone, increasing confidence in acid potential classification and identifying apparent conflicts requiring further investigation. Techniques such as sequential NAG, modified organic carbon NAG, modified ANC methods to account for siderite and acid buffering characteristic curve (ABCC) testing can be used to help resolve these conflicts in a relatively short time frame. Samples with abundant siderite require complex modified ANC methods, involving excess addition of H2O2 to ensure all dissolved ferrous ion is oxidised before completion of the back titration step. It is demonstrated that at siderite abundances of less than 15 wt %, standard ANC methods are sufficient, improving the efficiency of ANC assessment by reducing the number of modified ANC tests required. Comparison of ABCC profiles with the developed set of standard carbonate curves provides an indication of the relative reactivity of the ANC measured in waste rock samples, something not evident in ANC test results alone. A relationship was established between kinetic NAG and leach column test results, which provides an indication of lag times without the need to carry out leach columns on all samples. This has the great advantage of allowing kinetic prediction on a broad sample set in a short time frame. The test refinements and developments described in this paper improve the reliability of ARD prediction from short duration tests, provide information on relative reactivity of acid forming and neutralising phases, and improve predictions of acid forming potential.

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