The development of drainage basins to raise aquifer potentiality is considering the major target in Qena-Safaga-Bir Queh (central Eastern Desert). It is attributed to drought, scarce groundwater resource, expansion of agriculture, growth population, infrastructures, and civilization. Geological, hydrogeological, and morphometric information is used to prepare the drainage development plan and strategy. The morphometric parameters were used to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of the surficial lithology. The aquifer recharge rate was established according to permeability ranking of the surface geology. DEM, ETM+8, geologic map, and SPSS were used to characterize the hydrological parameters and delineate the watershed. Ten drainage basins were extracted and characterize for the morphometric analysis. The digital geological distribution, of each basin, was determined from geological and remote sensing data. The morphometric parameters (drainage density, constant channel maintenance, length of overland flow, drainage frequency, and drainage texture ratio) indicate the basins related to medium surface rock permeability (weight score 7-12). Multivariate statistical techniques were investigated using 17 morphometric descriptors (variables). The dendrogram analysis (R-mode) was divided into two cluster, which was subdivided into four groups. BirQueh basin is independent basin due to highest drainage area and perimeter. There is great hydrological similarity between sub basin 9 and 10 (wadi Qena). Wadi Safaga is hydrologically similar to sub basin 3, followed by sub basin 4. The principle component analysis contains four factors and represented by 74% of the total variance in the data. It identifies the promising areas in local scale, so that development and agriculture are easier. Key words: Drainage basins, morphometric parameters, SPSS, central Eastern desert.
The dramatic population increase around River Nile stresses on groundwater and surface water
Wadi Queh is covered mainly by meta-volcanic followed by felsite and older granite/or gabbroic with sandstone and crystalline carbonate due coast (Figure 10a)
The groundwater resources are very rare, infiltrating recharge water to reach the groundwater body depends on the surface rock-permeability
The dramatic population increase around River Nile stresses on groundwater and surface water. Geomorphology, hydrology, geology and hydrogeology represent the main parameters in watershed planning and development. Morphometric parameters estimation reflects the hydrologic nature, hydrogeological conditions of the aquifer, and flood rate. GIS and RS application determines the accurate parameters over large areas, compares the geological and hydrogeological parameters, and identifies the best promising areas for aquifer recharge. GIS and remote sensing with morphometric analysis is most effective, time saving and accurate technique for watershed characterization, planning and management implementation (Benukantha et al, 2019). Management of groundwater, basin and environment is established from morphometric analysis (Magesh et al, 2013). Morphometric and hydrogeological values characterize the groundwater recharge, aquifer aiming, and water collecting (Ewen et al, 2010)
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