
Inguinal Hernia is a very common clinical entity with varied presentations. We are presenting four unusual cases of inguinal hernias , who came to us at The Sri Aurobindo Medical College and Postgraduate Institute at Indore. Out of the four cases three presented with incarcerated inguinal hernias in emergency, while one was a routine case. They presented with following unusual features ; (1)Strangulated Meckel's Diverticulum as content (2) Inflamed Appendix Vermicularis as content (3) Strangulated omentum showed metastasis of a hidden intraabdominal adenocarcinoma (4) Beaded hernial sac which revealed mesothelial hyperplasia on histopathology. Abdominal hernia is the result of abnormal protrusion of abdominal content through a defect in the abdominal wall. Its treatment is the surgical repair of the defect with satisfactory results. Although these unusual presentations of contents have no implications on the outcome of its surgical repair, but one should be aware of such possibility at exploration. We have presented these cases with review of literature as it will be beneficial to all . CASE 1: Nineteen year old male presented with incarcerated right inguinal hernia, which on exploration was found have a Strangulated Meckel's Diverticulum. Resection of ileal segment bearing the Meckel's Diverticulum, with an end to end ileal anastomosis done. Posterior wall of the inguinal canal was repaired by herniorrhaphy. Postoperative recovery was uneventful. It was a case of Strangulated Littre's Hernia. CASE 2: Eighteen year old male presented with right inguinal hernia with pain. There was no history of vomiting or fever .Hematological investigations showed polymorphonuclear leucocytosis. On exploration the sac had the Appendix Vermiformis as its content. Appendectomy and repair of hernia by herniorrhaphy was done. Appendix showed congestion and mesentery was oedematous. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and patient was discharged on 7th postoperative day. Histopathological examination revealed

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