
–Abstract– There is an interlink, on management, planning, and cohesiveness remained a challenging factor to fully explore the Namibian Transportation and Supply Chain Management potential in the country. The problem identified is that Namibia maritime supply chain partners are facing challenges to work together to enhance the operations of the ports in Namibia due to a lack of a collaborative planning system. The study intended to analyze key elements and factors that are critical to Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment CPFR as a measure to improve the cooperative of all stakeholders in the industry throughout the supply chain management system through improved transportation and cargo handling. Information shared between suppliers and retailers aids in planning, and satisfying customer demands through a supportive system of shared information. This allows for continuous updating of inventory and upcoming requirements, making the end-to- end supply chain process more efficient. The main objective of the study is to investigate the role of a collaborative planning system for maritime supply chain partners in enhancing port operations in Namibia. Seven Institutions, which are the partners in the maritime supply chain, namely Namport, TransNamib, Road fund administration, Roads authority, Air Namibia, Airport Company, and NCCI, participated in this study, whereby for each institution, 10 respondents were purposefully selected. An open-ended and closed ended questions, which will be used to uncover the role of cps in enhancing port operation in Namibia. 72% of participants felt that lack of planning system affected service delivery. Whilst, 85.3% agreed that there are factors that need to be addressed to enhance the planning system, and 83.6% felt that the planning system contributed to the enhancement of service delivery. It will be good if the Ministry of Works and Transport, supported by the National Keywords : Planning Commission, Spearheads this committee.

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