
The article investigates the national and cultural aspect of phraseological units of the English language. This field is underdeveloped, but attracts more and more attention of linguists. This article focuses on highlighting the national and cultural specificity of phraseological units in such areas as cooking, weather, sports, social inequality and history. Each of the above areas is represented by several examples of phraseological units, with an explanation of the meaning and analysis of the cultural component. Understanding the cultural aspect of idioms is important for effective intercultural communication. Each phraseological unit has its own history and influence on modern culture around the world, as English remains the main international language of communication. The article expands the understanding of the relationship between language and culture, emphasizing that culture has a significant impact on both the language of its people and global communication in the world. Each phraseological unit analyzed in the article carries important information about the history, development and formation of the nation as such. Each phraseological unit connects the modern life of the British with their historical past. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to explore and deepen the understanding of the cultural aspect of phraseological units for better communication in international discourse. The study has highlighted the close relationship between language, culture and British national identity.

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