
The article deals with borrowings of foreign cultural concepts that are relevant, usingthe Internet by representatives of young culture, as well as the spread of fresh words in the media.The development of any world language is influenced by many different factors, the main of whichare historical and social. These factors inevitably lead to the penetration into the language of newelements borrowed from the language of neighbors or partners in the process of communicationin certain types of activities. The dialogue of cultures is based on the practice of language, andit happens regularly. At the same time, the receiving and transmitting parts often change theirroles in the process of historical development. The focus of the article is on the ongoing process ofvocabulary enrichment of European languages through historical and social borrowings of theirpartners and opponents. The authors analyze the semantic specificity of Anglicism, its changeand adaptation in the contemporary world. The presented results of students’ survey revealedthe use of borrowings in their speech. During the survey, the most popular and unpopular,controversial borrowings, possible reasons for their appearance, peculiarities of the use of certainwords, variants to replace Anglicism with Russian words were established. The authors alsopay attention to the causes of the Anglicism occurrence used in Russian, their classificationand features. Based on such research methods as observation and systematization, the articledetermines reasons and classifies borrowings according to the areas of communication.

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