
Beneath most of Inner Copenhagen, the top of the Danian Limestone is situated between 10 and 15 m below the surface. For underground works, or indeed any form of construction that requires a deep foundation, a detailed knowledge of the character and variation in the quality of the limestone is therefore very important. The Copenhagen area has been covered by thick glaciers a number of times during at least four glacial stages in the Quaternary period. The Danian Limestone is therefore overlain by till deposits and meltwater deposits above which is a substantial layer of fill. The paper describes the bedrock and Quaternary geology and man's activities over the last 900 years. This has contributed to the development of the city, much of which is constructed on placed fill. The growing town expanded by filling areas formerly covered by the sea. A knowledge of the history of the city is therefore considered essential information for the engineering geologist/geotechnical engineer when designing the investigation for projects to be undertaken in the area of the old city.

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