
The anaerobic bacterium Anaerocellum (f. Caldicellulosiruptor) bescii natively ferments the carbohydrate content of plant biomass (including microcrystalline cellulose) into predominantly acetate, H2, and CO2, and smaller amounts of lactate, alanine and valine. While this extreme thermophile (growth Topt 78°C) is not natively ethanologenic, it has been previously metabolically engineered with this property, albeit initially yielding low solvent titers (∼ 15 mM). Herein we report significant progress on improving ethanologenicity in A. bescii, such that titers above 130 mM have now been achieved, while concomitantly improving selectivity by minimizing acetate formation. Metabolic engineering progress has benefited from improved molecular genetic tools and better understanding of A. bescii growth physiology. Heterologous expression of a mutated thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase (AdhE) modified for co-factor requirement, coupled with bioreactor operation strategies related to pH control, have been key to enhanced ethanol generation and fermentation product specificity. Insights gained from metabolic modeling of A. bescii set the stage for its further improvement as a metabolic engineering platform.

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