
In 21 century Energy security tuned to be a source of global wellbeing and security. Nowadays Human beings are using much more energy resources than ever. On the one hand it ensures global economic developments on the other it challenges energy consumer’s national security. So, natural resources are either source of geopolitical challenges or opportunities for countries. For producers gas and oil became not the source of ‘’short energy war’’ as it once happened in 1970s, but the tool for well-coordinated, long-term political goals. That’s why for producers’ energy security became source of gaining high, expensive economic and political value on International level. As energy producers perceived their legal and natural right to consider energy resources partof their sovereignty consumers were left only with getting supply at ‘’reasonable price ‘’. Despite differences consumers and producersturned to share one common character - energy security became part of their natural security. But still there is difference as producers more politicized the subject than consumers (for example Russia). It is obvious European failure to establish common energy policy and effective competitive Single Energy Market may lead to energy dependence on single supplier and creation of Gas OPEC with strong market division and intention to monopolize. The abovementioned threats can be responded with strong anti-trust law and diversification of suppliers. antitrust law (competition law) should disband production and distribution by the same company which will lead to healthy competition. Besides it is necessary to diversify energy resources and eliminate Isolation of Iran. Otherwise Europe’s dependence on Russian energy will acquire growing character and intensify International environment.

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