
In the Smart Grid context, the involvement of end-users is a key element for the implementation of demand response, as a way to enhance the energy efficiency of the electricity infrastructure also enabling to cope with the intermittency of renewable energy sources. Although the participation of end-users may result in higher complexity of system management, it may have a positive impact on mitigating the volatility of electricity prices. End-users may also be a key component in the provision of ancillary services using demand side resources to offer the system operator additional means to enhance system flexibility, robust planning, constraint management and operation scheduling, contributing to the balance between load and supply under a load follows supply paradigm.Demand response is seen as an effective and reliable strategy for the successful integration of renewable energy sources, in a perspective of integrated energy resource management, handling the demand curve using load flexibility whenever the system requires it. This embodies the possibility of changing/controlling the load profile by optimally time deferring the use of some equipment.This paper focuses on the role of energy management systems aggregators, both concerning actual practice in industry as well as research, which can be seen as relevant players contributing to that endeavour. A review of recent literature and projects is made, putting in perspective the role of energy management systems aggregators in the Smart Grid context, in association with demand response programs and technologies, involving the participation of end-users in the provision of ancillary services. The aim is recognizing trends, opportunities, challenges and potential barriers regarding the creation of energy management systems aggregators to improve overall system performance, characterizing the services provided by aggregators and identifying potential research gaps.

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