
Energy management and monitoring systems should take initiatives to accelerate the application of measurement and verification (M&V) and be a focus area of various energy management systems. An M&V plan provides the methodology that will give overall energy savings resulting from specific energy efficiency and conservation projects. The energy management plan which mainly focus on artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming the predominant area of a new emerging technological area and industrial utilities for energy studies, drawing the increasing attention of scholars, technocrats and experts in recent years. Studies presented in this chapter highlight the role of AI on the environmental factors with respect to carbon footprints, which has been decreasing during the 12th Five-Year Plan as compared to the 11th Five Year Plan in both ferrous and non-ferrous industries globally. AI has a minimum impact on carbon intensity in the worker-intensive and tech-intensive industries. Therefore, the government policy should accelerate the implementation of AI, in line with the metal industries. Deployment of energy management information systems, data analytics and soft computing has the potential to transform the productivity, process control and energy efficiency proficiency in metal industries of recent modern times.

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