
In line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 3, promoting good health and well-being, this study explores a novel approach to energy-harvesting autonomous implants for intelligent orthopaedic solutions. Addressing the challenge of providing a reliable and easily accessible power source for active mechanical components and investigating piezoelectric hip prostheses' design and performance. The modified hip implant incorporates three vibration-based harvesters running in parallel, capturing energy during an average human stride through angular movements such as flexion, extension, and abduction. Finite element analysis is utilised to evaluate structural stress failure strength and refine the implant design, ensuring enhanced load transfer to the piezoelectric element and increased energy generation. The experimental results demonstrate the potential to harvest up to 55 J/s of helpful power and 1.76 V, contributing to the development of sustainable and reliable intelligent hip implants that can operate continuously without being disabled and work without risk. This innovative approach supports advancements in healthcare technology and improved patient outcomes, emphasising the importance of sustainable and accessible solutions in the orthopaedic field. Future research will delve into energy conversion and fatigue in complete hip implant designs, further promoting health, well-being, and sustainability in healthcare solutions.

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