
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is instrumental in transferring the data gathered by Sensors mounted on the Sensors Nodes (SNs) to the Base Station (BS). Lifetime of WSN is solely depends on the energy/battery life of SNs and higher the battery life longer the lifetime of Network. The sustained operation of WSN is achieved through the efficient consumption of SNs energy. In the recent past several energy conservation mechanism were proposed and among them LEACH-WSN was the most widespread methodology [1]. Further, the work pertaining to the sustained energy conservation mechanisms which are enriched with bio inspired technique or neural computational systems such as PSO-PSO-WSN, PSO-GSO-WSN, GSO-KGMO-WSN, FCM-PSO-GSO-WSN EBC-S or RSOM-WSN are reported [2-6]. In order to conserve energy in WSN; SNs are clustered using a set of criteria and gather the data at each Cluster Head (CH) to avoid redundant transfer of data to the BS. Further, gathered data is routed to the BS efficiently using intelligent routing process. In this paper, PSO-PSO-WSN, LEACH-WSN and EBC-S are compared with PSO-GSO-WSN, GSO-KGMO-WSN, FCM-PSO-GSO-WSN and RSOM-WSN. These methods are subjected to the Performance Evaluation (PE) in terms of alive nodes, dead nodes, energy consumption, throughput and total data/packet delivered.

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