
The late pelaglc stages of reef f~shes are capable of swimming substant~al distances w h ~ c h may sign~flcantly mod~fy their dispersal The energetic cost of this swlmming, at 13 5 cm S' , was measured for the late pelagic stages (mean total length ranging from 10.8 to 22.4 mm) of 9 specles from 4 reef fish familles (Pomacentridae, Pomacanthldae, Chaetodontldae and Lethnnidae] Of the potentlal sources of energy (lipld, carbohydrate and protein), all were utilised, but lipid appeared to be the most energetically important across the specles. Llp~d levels decreased s~gniflcantly In 5 of the 9 specles. The decrease and the relatlve percentage of energy lost In the form of h p ~ d was greater than for carbohydl-ate and proteln The pattern of enel-gy utilisation v a r ~ e d among specles. The greatest decrease in energy stores was seen In the heaviest species, i vh~ch swam for the longest du ra t~on (the chactodontids and I(>thrin~d), showlng up to 72'LL8 decrease in 11p1d. 66% decrease* in carbohydrate and 39% decrease in proti'ln The lighter specles, which swam for shorter time perlods (the pomacentrids and the pomacanth~d) , showed cornparatlvely 11ttle change In energy reserves after sw~mming . lnltial levels of energy reserves correlated \vith d~s t ance surllm and were greatest In the heavier specles

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