
Contents Foreword 1. America's Entry into the Morass (1950-1969) 2. Evolution of a Strategy What the Nixon Administration Found Groping for a Strategy: The North Vietnamese Offensive and the Bombing of Cambodia Attempts at a Diplomatic Outcome Initiatives The Beginning of Troop Withdrawals A Secret Meeting Another Reassessment The Unpacifiable Doves A Strategy Emerges 3. Secret Negotiations and a Widening War The Secret Negotiations Special Advisor Le Duc Tho and the First Round of Talks Laos Interlude The Overthrow of Sihanouk Another Major Troop Withdrawal The Attack on North Vietnamese Sanctuaries The Cambodian Incursion The Domestic Travail The Balance Sheet 4. Diplomacy and Strategy: From a Cease-fire Proposal to the Interdiction of the Ho Chi Minh Trail Madame Binh's Eight Points The Setting of a Strategy The Laos Operation Lam Son 719: The Military Operation Braving Domestic Opposition The Negotiations Are Resumed The South Vietnamese Presidential Election Revealing the Secret Talks 5. Hanoi Throws the Dice: The Vietnam Spring Offensive Diplomatic Maneuvers What Strategy? 6. The Showdown The May 2 Secret Meeting The Mining and Bombing of North Vietnam The Summit in the Balance 7. From Stalemate to Breakthrough Testing the Stalemate A Visit to Saigon Interlude: Meetings of September 15 and 27 The Breakthrough: The October 8 Meeting 8. The Troubled Road to Interlude in Paris Consultation with Thieu Rumblings Showdown with Thieu The Journey Home 9. Peace Is at Hand Election Interlude Haig Visits Saigon Again The Meetings with Le Duc Tho Resume The Breakdown of the Negotiations The Christmas Bombing Negotiations Resume The January Round of Negotiations Thieu Relents at Last Postlude 10. A Visit to Hanoi 11. Enforcement and Aid The Thieu Visit Watergate and Enforcement The Search for in Cambodia The Aborted Chinese Mediation The Negotiations Unravel 12. Ford and Vietnam The Strangulation of South Vietnam Hanoi Resumes the Offensive The End of the Road 13. The Collapse of Cambodia The Myth of the Failure to Negotiate on Cambodia The Final Collapse Final Note 14. The End of Vietnamar The Debate over Evacuation The Search for a Political Solution The Evacuation The Last Day Epilogue Acknowledgments Appendix Notes Index

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