
Endangered Scholars Worldwide Ebby Sharifi Social Research was founded by a group of scholars known as the University in Exile, refugees from Nazi Europe who found a home at the New School. In each issue we publish the names and details of scholars, researchers, and students who have been threatened or imprisoned, along with ways to offer them support. We see this effort as consistent not only with our own history as a journal but with the need to call attention to the increasing and often brutal attempts to silence our colleagues around the world. If you are aware of a scholar or student whose case you believe we should investigate, please contact us at socres@newschool.edu. The information in this report is current, to the best of our knowledge, as of May 24, 2014. Additional information and more recent information about many of these cases, as well as sample letters of protest, may be found on our website at http://www.newschool.edu/cps/endangered-scholars/. SCHOLARS AND RESEARCHERS: NEW AND CONTINUING CASES BAHRAIN Scholars and Researchers: Previously featured scholars from Bahrain who remain in prison include mahdi ‘issa mahdi abu dheeb, former president of the Bahrain Teachers’ Association, who was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on October 21, 2012, on charges of “inciting hatred against the regime” and “attempting to overthrow and change the regime by force”; and dr. abdul-jalil al-singace, professor of engineering at the University of Bahrain, sentenced to life in prison by the military National Safety Court on charges of “plotting to topple” the government in June 2011. Reports indicate that his health condition is critical. [End Page v] Students: On April 16, 2014, ahmad hassan ali mshaima’, who was arrested on December 28, 2013, was charged with “illegal gathering with an intent to commit crimes and disturb public security” following protests to mark the second anniversary of the uprising on February 14, 2013. He told the judge that he had been tortured in prison. The charge carries a potential sentence of up to 15 years in jail ahmed al arab, 22, a nursing student from Bani Jamra, was arrested on January 9, 2014, in Hamad Town. Reports indicate that Al Arab was severely tortured in order to extract a confession and is suffering from resulting injuries. According to his family, Al Arab is not being allowed access to medical care that he urgently needs. On May 12, 2014, Al Arab’s family was able to visit him for 35 minutes. During the visit, Al Arab informed his family that while in detention he was stripped naked and hung from his wrists while they were handcuffed behind his back. He was repeatedly insulted and assaulted and deprived of sleep. When Al Arab refused to sign the confession paper, the interrogators applied waterboarding tactics on him. As of this report his health condition remains critical. Previously featured students who remain in jail include student activist ahmed aoun, arrested by authorities when he sought treatment at a hospital following an eye injury inflicted by police during protests on May 13, 2012; and six students, all sentenced to 15 years in prison at a trial on March 5, 2012, as part of a crackdown on student involvement in pro-democracy demonstrations: jawad al-mahary, shawqi radhi, jassim al hulaini, jassim al-mukhodher, and yousif ahmed. Please send appeals to: His Majesty Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa Office of His Majesty the King The Amiri Court P.O. Box 555 Rifa’a Palace Al-Manama Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: +973 176 64 587 Website: http://www.mofa.gov.bh/ Minister of Justice and Islamic Affairs Sheikh Khalid bin Ali Al-Khalifa Diplomatic Area P.O Box # 450 Al-Manama Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: +973 175 13 333 Dr. Fatima Al-Balooshi Minister of Human Rights and Social [End Page vi] Development, Acting Minister of Health Ministry of Human Rights and Development Manama Tel: +973 176 82 422 Kingdom of Bahrain Email: fatima.albalooshi@social.gov.bh/ dr.albalooshi@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ fatima.albalooshi. BENIN Students: On November 12, 2013, a previously featured student leader, damien dégbé, was arrested following his...

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