
Endangered Scholars Worldwide Social Research wasfounded by a group o fscholars known as the University in Exile, refugees from Nazi Europe who found a home at the New School. In each issue we publish the names and details o fscholars, researchers, and students who have been threatened or imprisoned, along with ways to offer them support. We see this effort as consistent not only with our own history as a journal but with the need to call attention to the increasing and often brutal attempts to silence our colleagues around the world. We urge readers to write letters on behalf o f these scholars, researchers, and students. Sample letters can befound on our website at www.newschool.edu/ cps/endangered-scholars. Ifyou are aware of a scholar or student whose case you believe we should investigate, please contact us at esw@newschool.edu. The information in this report is current, to the best ofour knowledge, as of June 21, 2013. Additional information and more recent information about many of these cases may be available on our website at http://www.newschool.edu/cps/ endangered-scholars/. SCHOLARS AND RESEARCHERS: NEW AND CONTINUING CASES BAHRAIN Previously featured scholars from Bahrain who rem ain in prison include j a l il a a l -s a l m a n and m a h d i ‘is s a m a h d i a b u d h e e b , both board members of the Bahrain Teachers’ Association, sentenced to six months and five years, respectively, on October 21, 2012, on charges of “inciting hatred against the regime” and “calling to overthrow and Endangered Scholars W orldw ide v change the regime by force”; d r . a b d u l -j a l i l a l -s in g a c e , professor of engineering at the University of Bahrain, sentenced to life in prison on charges of training and financing a terrorist organization; and r u l a a l -s a f f e r , assistant professor at the College of Health Sciences and head of the Bahrain Nursing Society, sentenced on September 29, 2011, to 15 years in prison. Appeals to: His Majesty Sheikh Hamad bin Issa Al-Khalifa Office of His Majesty the King P.O. Box 555 Rifa’a Palace Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: +973 176 64 587 Dr. Fatima Al-Balushi Minister of Human Rights and Social Development, Acting Minister of Health Ministry of Human Rights and Development Manama Kingdom of Bahrain Sheikh Khalid bin Ali Al-Khalifa Ministry ofJustice and Islamic Affairs P.O. Box 450 Al-Manama Bahrain Fax: +973 175 31 284 CAMEROON Previously featured scholar e n o h m e y o m e s s e , a writer, political activist, historian, and founder of the Cameroon Writers Association, remains in prison. He was sentenced to seven years in prison on December 27,2012, on charges of illegally trafficking gold. Appeals to: His Excellency Paul Biya President of the Republic of Cameroon Office of the President P.O. Box 100 Yaounde Republic o f Cameroon Dr. Chemuta Divine Banda Chairman National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms B.P. 20317 Yaounde Cameroon Phone: +237 22 22 61 17 Fax : +237 22 22 60 82 Email: cndhl@iccnet.cm vi social research C H IN A Authorities are continuing to retaliate against imprisoned human rights activist and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize laureate l i u x i a o b o by targeting mem bers o f his family, this tim e his brother-in-law, l i u h u i , who was arrested in March 2013 and sentenced to 11 years of imprisonm ent on June 9, 2013, on charges of financial fraud over a real estate dispute. According to lawyers, the dispute was resolved months prior to the arrest and the criminal charges are unfounded. Liu Xiaobo, who has been featured numerous tim es in Endangered Scholars Worldwide, has been held in Jinzhou Prison since his arrest in December 2008 for “inciting subversion of state power.” His wife, Liu Xia, has been under house arrest since Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010...

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