
Since the 1980s, Hong Kong film has had a wide impact on the world. Amongst this, crime films take a salient position. It results from the strong artistic tension within the production of crime films itself, and on the other hand, it provides us with rich material for studying the changing socio-cultural context of Hong Kong. The creation and dissemination of art is both a process of coding for the creator and a process of coding for the social context, a process that involves both the personal expression of the creator and inevitably the shaping of cultural codes by ideology. Since A Better Tomorrow, Hong Kong crime films, as a category of films closely connected to social reality, have had a significant impact in responding to social issues. The main content of Hong Kong crime films also has a strong role in shaping social contexts and influencing audiences perceptions in a subtle way. Therefore, in the process of creation, apart from thinking about the artistry of the films, the impact on the shaping of social perceptions of the films also needs to be taken into consideration.

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