
This study aims to determine the effect sizes of burnout levels of educational stakeholders in terms of marital status. It consists of classroom and branch teachers, preschool teachers, principals and vice-principals, supervisors and academicians. 48 empirical studies meeting the inclusion criteria were included. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was the only inventory used in included studies. 49 effect sizes (Cohen’s d) were calculated for each of the dimensions of MBI. For emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and (reduced) personal achievement, combined effect sizes were calculated as -0,035, -0,109 and 0,039 respectively for random effect model. These results indicate that the effect sizes for marital status were on trivial level and favouring single educators in emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimensions whereas for married ones in personal achievement dimension. Due to medium heterogeneity, moderator analyses were also done. Genisletilmis Turkce Ozet Makalenin Sonundadir

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