A muon facility—EMuS (Experimental Muon Source)—at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) has been studied since 2007. CSNS, which is designed to deliver a proton beam power of 100 kW at Phase-I, and will serve multidisciplinary research based on neutron scattering techniques, has just completed construction, and is ready to open to general users from September 2018. As an additional platform to CSNS, EMuS aims to provide different muon beams for multiple applications, among which, magnetism study by μSR techniques is a core part. By using innovative designs, such as a long target in conical shape situating in superconducting capture solenoids and forward collection method, EMuS can provide very intense muon beams with a proton beam of 5 kW and 1.6 GeV, from surface muons, decay muons, and high momentum muons to slow muons. In this article, the design aspects of EMuS, including general design, target station, muon beamlines, and μSR spectrometer, as well as prospects for applications on magnetism studies, will be reviewed.
ΜSR is the abbreviation of muon spin relaxation, rotation, and resonance [1,2]
At EMuS, the situation for the data pileup is even more challenging than in other pulsed muon sources, because it is driven by a proton beam of a quite low repetition rate of 2.5 Hz, and the sources, because it is driven by a proton beam of a quite low repetition rate of 2.5 Hz, and the peak peak muon flux is very high, due to the thick target situating in the high-field superconducting muon flux is very high, due to the thick target situating in the high-field superconducting capture capture solenoid
Source hasthe been studied, aiming tostudies provide with μSR techniques are the core part
ΜSR is the abbreviation of muon spin relaxation, rotation, and resonance [1,2]. Since more than thirty years, μSR techniques have been employed as a powerful tool for condensed matter physics, Quantum Beam Sci. 2018, 2, 23; doi:10.3390/qubs2040023 www.mdpi.com/journal/qubs. Since more than thirty years, μSR techniques have been employed as a powerful tool for condensed matter physics, especially on the study of magnetism, which has shown significant advantages over other kinds of techniques.on. To the sensitivity the muon distribution, muons have been usedofinprobing studying magnetic systems [3], including to small magnetic field and thewidely capability both static and dynamic local field magnetically distribution, orderedhave systems, spin-glass system, frustrated systems, colossalmagnetically magnetoresistance, muons been widely used in studying magneticspin systems [3], including ordered low-dimensional systems, heavy fermion systems, superconductors, and others. With the recent completion of the CSNS project in March 2018, design scheme ofofthe and prospects in magnetism study the construction theEMuS. The facility, planned μSR spectrometers, and prospects in magnetism study will be presented
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