
Tanah Bumbu Regency is a district in South Kalimantan Province where most of the population live in coastal areas. In general, coastal communities depend on the utilization and management of fishery resources, such as fishermen, fish cultivators, fish processors and fish traders. This shows that residents in Tanah Bumbu Regency, especially those located right on the coast such as Kusan Hilir sub-district, must rely on the economy and development in the marine sector, especially those who work as fishermen. The purpose of this research is to find out how the empowerment of the community and fishermen groups in the fishing boat relief program, as well as knowing the supporting factors and obstacles to the implementation of the fishing boat relief program so that in its development KUB (Joint Business Group) can increase the income of its group members in Kusan Hilir District, Tanah Bumbu Regency. This research method is carried out with a descriptive evaluative approach which is intended to evaluate the empowerment of fishing boat relief using KUB. The results showed that the large fishery potential of Tanah Bumbu Regency made the fisheries sub-sector a strategic value in the regional and inter-regency economic map. All sub-districts in Tanah Bumbu Regency have a minimum of one fishery potential (marine waters, public waters and cultivation). Marine cultivation has the most dominant influence, this shows that if marine cultivation production is increased it will increase people's income, especially with the intermediary of the Joint Business Group (KUB). Empowerment of coastal fishing families with KUB programs, such as boat relief, rice relief, direct cash relief, with the aim that fishermen develop their businesses and become better individuals. From these roles the assistant is able to provide guidance and direction to the members of the KUB Mekar Buana and Buih Pesisir, Kusan Hilir village, which results in increased empowerment of coastal communities in Kusan Hilir District, Tanah Bumbu Regency.
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  • Tanah Bumbu Regency is a district in South Kalimantan Province where most of the population live in coastal areas

  • Researchers are interested in researching how the Empowerment of the Fishermen Community Joint Business Group (KUB), where the case study in this research is aimed to the fishing boat assistance program in Kusan Hilir Di strict in 2018, especially in Kusan Hilir District, Tanah Bumbu Regency, which is a sub-district located on the coast

  • Based on the research that the author has studied in the field; the researcher can draw the following conclusions: 1) The Joint Business Group Program (KUB) for fishing community is an activity that bridges the community to get an increase in economic income, knowledge and skills through a group formed together under the auspices of the Social Service to improve the quality of human resources so that they are able to absorb labor and reduce unemployment

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Tanah Bumbu Regency is a district in South Kalimantan Province where most of the population live in coastal areas. Coastal communities depend on the utilization and management of fishery resources, like being fishermen, fish cultivators, fish processors and fish traders It represents the population in Tanah Bumbu Regency, especially those who lived exactly on the coast such as Kusan Hilir sub-district, must rely on the economy and development in marine sector, mainly for those who work as fishermen. According to Hassanudin, et al (2013), general conditions and problems were experienced by fishermen are as follows: isolated coastal villages, limited basic service facilities (including physical infrastructure), poorly maintained environmental conditions, unqualified health standard requirements, and low-income communities. We can conclude that the main problem commonly experienced by coastal communities is poverty

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