
This paper positions the role of quality education in the historical and current development paradigm in a global context under the Sustainable Development Goals. I revisit empowering theories and the whole concept of development and connect it to the present. Can such theories guide us in the debate on the future of education? Finally, I reflect on whether my current workplace, a Danish University College, and similar education institutions are at all obliged to tackle global challenges. If so, how can such institutions position themselves to play an essential role in the futures to come? Are there any common denominators in design and content? I draw on my background as a historian and my master’s degree in International Relations. From a practical perspective, I draw on what I learned from 15 years of experience working with internationalization and development, both within the UN system, private companies, and later as responsible for large-scale education programs and projects in more than 36 countries. I also draw on six years of experience as chairperson of a Danish NGO working with child protection, alternative care, and deinstitutionalization. Most importantly, I draw on experience as a concerned father of two kids who will be affected by, and dependent on, our current actions.

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