
Estudio de iniciación a la Sociología emocional a partir del cual se pretende conocer mejor los cambios y consecuencias del comportamiento social desde el ámbito de las emociones. Centrándonos concretamente el concepto de empoderamiento emocional, se analizará como éste puede ocasionar cambios en las relaciones interpersonales cercanas, y cómo puede generarse una consecuencia de expansión que logre cambios en la estructura cultural de comportamiento social.Emotional empowerment Change in the structure of individual recognition and interpersonal relationships.The following study is an introduction to qualitative research. It is aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the effects of emotions—specifically the concept of emotional empowerment—on social behavior, while seeking to ingrate this concept into the field of emotional sociology. Control, responsibility or empowerment of one’s own emotions has become a global market, which is presented as modernity’s new toolkit for behavior. In other words, the isolation and individualism that we increasingly face due to unbridled capitalist globalization has resulted in us not being able to find a safer place to be other than ourselves. As if the time had come to cleanse the subjectivity, which has lain dormant after so many years of mass consumption, misinformed information and globalized individualism, in order to strengthen the bonds of social coexistence based on individuality. For this reason, the study below intends to describe how the acquisition of emotional empowerment affects the development of individual recognition and interpersonal relationships. Thus, it identifies a new structure of personal recognition that, on the basis of how we see we ourselves behave, serves to determine how we behave towards others or, to put it another way, to define new patterns of social behavior.

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