
Automatic Facial Recognition Attendance System is a type of automated identification system that can recognize any person whose facial features have been saved in the database. This technology could be used by all corporations in the coming years, offices to keep track of who comes and goes. The attendance method is based on facial recognition technology. A real-time, contactless attendance tracking system that is extremely useful in today's world circumstances of a pandemic. After COVID, the work environment will not be the same. Despite the fact that the virus is still spreading, firms are attempting to restore on-premise operations in order to assure business continuity. Employees' health and safety are of utmost importance in such situations. Organizations are looking for methods to provide employees with a COVID-free workspace, and a touchless check-in is the first step. The attendance system uses a set of techniques like Haarcascade classifier and Local Binary Pattern Histogram(LBPH) Face Recognizer in deep learning to detect people in front of the camera and then changes their attendance in the attendance sheet automatically.

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