
Based on the total assets and cost of main operations as input variables, the main business revenue and profit as the output variable in this paper, we build the operational performance evaluation model of China's telecom industry, based on DEA-CCR, and use the relevant data to measure the operational performance of different regions. The empirical results show that: the performance level of the telecom operators in China is relatively high and is not gathered, there is further room for improving telecom industry. Keywords-DEA-CCR; telecom industry; operational performance I. MODEL CONSTRUCTION Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a method for evaluating the relative efficiency of the same type of multi index input and multi index output, as well as a powerful tool for multi-input multi-output function. In this paper, the DEA method is used to evaluate the performance of telecom industry in China. Set up a total regions of n (n=30, excluding Tibet because of data problems), known as an evaluation unit of n (n=30). j DMU ( 1,2, ,30) j  , each evaluation unit has m (m=2) kinds of inputs, respectively, the total assets and the main business cost and has p (p=2) kinds of outputs, respectively, the main business revenue and total profit, so that there is an evaluation system of n unit for multi-index inputs and multi-index outputs ,as shown in Fig. I[1-5]. 1 2 n (evaluation unit) (in p u ts ) 1 v 1  11 x 12 x 1n x 2 v 2  21 x 22 x 2n x m v m  1 m x 2 m x mn x 11 y 12 y 1n y  1 1 u (o u tp u ts ) 21 y 22 y 2n y  2 2 u 1 p y 2 p y pn y  p p u Figure 1. DEA evaluation system of telecom operators in China International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Society (EMCS 2016) © 2016. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 752 In the figure, ij x means the i (i=1, 2) kinds of evaluation of input indicators in j DMU evaluation unit, the model is the total assets and the main business cost

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